Did you know, 70% of mobile searches result in a phone call to a business?

Released in 2015, Google’s call-only campaign feature is still one of the most powerful features often ignored or overlooked by businesses.

Nearly every potential customer for your business is carrying a phone in their pocket. With a mobile customer base, phone calls happen in an instant.

Using Google’s call-only campaign feature, you can drive calls to your business WITHOUT complicated landing pages, text platforms, messenger bots or email service.

Why Call Only Ads?

Simply put, call-only ads are the easiest straight line to your customers. It’s a simple as.

1. Build an ad
2. Publish the ad
3. Get customers calling your business.
4. Profit

Disadvantages of Call Ads

As with anything, there are some disadvantages to call-only ads. For one, you don’t get a website visitor. This means if they don’t call after they click the ad, you get nothing. With a website visitor, you can retarget them later if they don’t contact or buy from you.


If you run a local business, you can benefit from call-only ads on Google. With its straightforward setup and easy tracking, results can be near immediate.


To your success,

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